Last updated: 12/27/2011
9285 Warwick Boulevard
Newport News, VA 23609
George R. Hoffeditz, Jr.
phone: 757-247-8523
American military history unfolds at the Virginia War Museum. The museum was established in 1923 by American Legion Post #25 (The Braxton/Perkins Post) as the American Legion Memorial Museum of Virginia. The City of Newport News assumed administration of the museum in the 1950's. The museum displays outstanding collections of personal artifacts, weapons, vehicles, uniforms, posters and much more which trace the development of the U.S. military from 1775 through the present. See a section of the Berlin Wall and a portion of the outer wall from Dachau Concentration Camp.
Galleries include Women at War and Marches Toward Freedom, exploring the roles of women and African-Americans in the military and Visions of War, the museum's outstanding propaganda poster collection. Shop for unique gifts in the Duffle Bag gift shop. Special events and evening programs are held year-round. Parking is free.
The Museum was established in 1923 by American Legion Post #25 (The Braxton/Perkins Post) as the American Legion Memorial Museum. The City of Newport News assumed administration of the Museum in the 1930's. In the course of the Museum's existence, it's name has changed twice. In 1948 the first name change took place when the entrance of the Museum moved from the southeastern side of the building to the northwestern side of the building (its current entrance location). In 1996 the name changed from The War Memorial Museum of Virginia to The Virginia War Museum.
Over the past 75 years, the Museum has acquired over 60,000 artifacts. The size of the collection is a blessing; however, due to limited display area only 4-5% of the Museum's collection can be displayed at any given time.
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