State Rout 5, 14051 John Tyler Highway
Charles City, VA 23030
Office, 5416 Tuckahoe Avenue
Richmond, VA 23226
Ms. Kay Tyler
phone: 804-829-5377
The 1730 estate was the home of John Tyler, 10th President of the United Sates. He lived in the house from 1842 until his death in 1862. It has remained in the Tyler family and is presently owned and occupied by Tyler's grandson. Free for VAM members.
John Tyler's 1841-1845 presidential term was the pinnacle of an active political and legal career. He was twice Governor of Virginia, a U.S. Senator, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, a Virginia state senator and member of the Virginia House of Delegates. A graduate of The College of William and Mary, he later became Chancellor of that institution. As a supporter of state's rights, he re-entered public service in 1861 as an elected member of the Confederate Congress of the Confederate States of America
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