Updated: 3/12/2010
117 East Main Street
Boyce, VA 22620
other times by appointment
The RMSL is at the grade crossing of post office history with railroad research. It focuses upon how mail was distributed in Railway Post Offices between 1864 and 1977.
The RMSL was born as the AmeRPO Society Library in 1952. It was renamed the RMS Library by Hershel Rankin in the 1960s, then was moved to Virginia and became the Railway Mail Service Library in 1980. It's home is the historic N&W Railway station at Boyce, Virginia, built in 1913.
Len Cohen's "Round-the-World" postal badge collection.
Edwin B. Berman Mail Route Schedule collection, Edward J. Maloney Mail Scheme collection.
Presentations about Railway Post Offices are arranged upon request.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
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