Last updated: 10/23/2015
Old Dominion University
Pretlow Planetarium
Norfolk, VA 23529
4600 Elkhorn Ave
OCNPS Bldg, Room 306
Norfolk, VA 23529
Justin Mason
phone: 757-683-3474
The Old Dominion University Mary D. Pretlow Planetarium is located adjacent to the Chemical Sciences building, Alfriend Hall, on the main campus.
The 40-foot domed, Digitalis planetarium is used by the introductory astronomy classes and has public presentations. Planetarium shows include full dome, educational movies as well as live showings of the night sky. Monthly, the Bad Movie Night series shows old sci-fi movies on the dome.
The planetarium was named for Miss Mary Denson Pretlow at the request of the anonymous donor who presented the university with the funds to build the planetarium.
The University's Board of Visitors was receptive to naming the building after Miss Pretlow due to her thirty years of service (1917-1947) as head of the Norfolk Public Library as well as her career as a distinguished historian and librarian.
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