Updated: 1/6/2012
16920 Southall Plantation Lane
Charles City, VA 23030
Cindy Rae Hart
phone: 804-829-2196
A National Register site first settled by Virginia's prominent Southall Family. This museum of folk architecture includes Piney Grove (1790), Ashland (1835), Dower Quarter (1835), Ladysmith (1857), and Duck Church (1917).
Over three centuries ago Furneau Southall established his three-hundred acre plantation on the very spot that the Chickahominy Indians had resided on in the years before the westward expansion of the English settlement at Jamestown. The original log portion of Piney Grove was built about 1790 when this was one of the many seats of Virginia’s prominent Southall family: Today Piney Grove is the best preserved example of Early Log Architecture in Tidewater Virginia. Nearby Southall properties included Mt. Airy, Milton and Vaughn’s: Further afield were the Southall homes of Chatsworth, Reveille, Westham and Young’s Island.
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