Last updated: 2/24/2012
17263 Southern Planter Lane
Leesburg, VA 20176
P. O. Box 6228
Leesburg, VA 20178
Tracy J. Gillespie
phone: 703-777-6034
Ms. Melissa G. York
phone: 703-777-6034
The grounds of Morven Park in Leesburg, VA include over 1,000 acres of lawns, fields, wooded areas and, boxwood gardens. Much of the property has been placed in conservation easements in order to preserve the open space for future generations. Indeed, Morven Park has been called an “oasis” in the midst of Northern Virginia’s rapid development. Areas that once saw Union and Confederate troops skirmishing during the Civil War, and pure bred livestock grazing in the fields now host over 100,000 visitors each year who attend equestrian events, special activities, guided tours and educational programs.
Built in stages over more than 100 years, Morven Park started as a simple field stone farmhouse in the mid-18th century, and grew to become the grand mansion that it is today through the course of several construction phases. The primary purpose of the closure of the mansion at Morven Park for the last several years has been the preservation of the house in order to protect it and the collection it contains within its walls. Repairs made by Governor and Mrs. Davis, and by the Swann family that preceded them at Morven Park, were fine for a residence of the period, but were no longer sufficient for a modern house museum. This restoration is now complete and the Mansion is open to the public for tours.
Take a trip into the past by visiting the Winmill Carriage Museum at Morven Park. You will see a wide variety of antique vehicles used between the mid 1800's and the early 1900's. See how suburbanites commuted to the city in Dennett and Stanhope Gigs. Gentlemen going out for the evening would travel in a Hansom Cab much like the ones seen in Sherlock Holmes movies. The Silsby Steam Pumper was one of the first to use a rotary motor. The Sprinkler Wagon was popular in cities to keep the dust down. These vehicles were donated by the late Viola Townsend Winmill of Warrenton, Virginia in 1967 and include many of the 120 carriages. This museum offers a unique rental space for up to 150 people. Perfect for a reception, dinner, or corporate meeting.
The Museum of Hounds & Hunting opened on May 24, 1985 in the north wing of the stately Mansion at Morven Park thanks to a small group of sporting enthusiasts. They conceived the idea of the Museum in order to preserve the art, artifacts and memorabilia of a centuries-old sporting tradition. Seeking to acquire important and valuable artifacts before they are lost, the Museum provides a special place for the preservation and display of the sport’s rich history and by developing educational exhibits, promotes public understanding of hunting with hounds.
The Morven Park International Equestrian Center (MPIEC) at Historic Morven Park in Leesburg, Virginia, holds a special place in the hearts of the equestrian community. Home to local, regional, national, and world-class equestrian events, MPIEC is built on 1,000 acres of open space and continues to operate as a multifaceted events facility that includes indoor and outdoor arenas, a renowned steeplechase course, a beautiful series of cross-country courses, and a polo field that is utilized by over 100,000 enthusiasts each year.
There is always something special happening through out the year at Morven Park. In the spring, bring the family to enjoy over 1,000 acres of beautiful Loudoun countryside and enjoy the Celtic Festival, The Morven Park Equestrian Center Horse Trials or a summertime favorite, Not Just Shakespeare. During the summer you can enjoy the Morven Park Classic Car Show, The Canaan Ranch Pas de Deux, or the Dominion Brew Fest. The fall colors bring the Morven Park Equestrian Horse Trials and the much anticipated Morven Park Steeplechase Races.
In planning your wedding and reception, you will receive the highest level of personalized attention provided by Morven Park’s wedding and events staff and preferred vendors. You will receive step by step assistance in creating the ultimate wedding experience from conception to completion. For more information regarding available dates, please contact Heather Bartlow at
Inspired by the life of Virginia Governor Westmoreland Davis, Morven Park preserves and advances the ideals of civic responsibility, sustainable agriculture, and enhancement of life in rural Virginia.
The estate, 1,200 acres just west of Leesburg, Virginia off Rt. 7 on Old Waterford Road, was home to two governors: Thomas Swann, a governor of Maryland in the 19th century, and Virginia's reform governor Westmoreland Davis. Morven Park was the last home of Governor Davis, who served his gubernatorial term from 1918 to 1922, and his wife, the former Marguerite Inman of Atlanta, daughter of a wealthy New York cotton broker. Thirteen years after his death in 1942, Mrs. Davis established the Westmoreland Davis Memorial Foundation as a memorial to her husband and the estate was opened to the public in 1967.
Access: General Public, Students
Appointment required: True
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