Last updated: 1/18/2011
1902 Braeburn Drive
Salem, VA 24153
1902 Braeburn Dr
Salem, VA 24153
Ms. Judith F. Hagadorn
phone: 540-444-2925 x204
Display of medical artifacts from civil war period until 1950's. Equipment, instruments with some photos. Plans for expansion displaying items currently in storage, traveling exhibits and greater involvement with schools.
Part of original mission of Lewis-Gale Foundation 1964. Over
700 items. Warren L. Moorman, M.D.
originator of museum and still on the board of directors. A number of items from former Lewis-Gale physicians starting in 1906. Viewed by interested patients, public school students and students in medical fields as well as the general public.
medical equipment and instruments
Civil War to 1950's. Mainly from
physician practices and hospitals
mid Atlantic states.
This is a minor aspect of organization. No current programs outside of exhibits.
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