Last updated: 12/22/2015
803 S. Main Street
Culpeper, VA 22701
PO Box 951
Culpeper, VA 22701
Lee Langston- Harrison
phone: 540-829-5954
Linda Montgomery
phone: 540-829-1749
Called a 'mini Smithsonian' by visitors, this community museum strives to become the 'best small community museum in Virginia.' Changing exhibits, fun hands-on interactives, great museum shop.
The Museum's complex, strategically located at the entrance to historic downtown Culpeper, includes a 4,000 sq. ft. Colonial Williamsburg designed brick facility housing the primary exhibit galleries, Museum Gift Shop and offices. On the Museum campus, visitors can enjoy both the Burgandine House, a fully restored 18th century log cabin and an working American Indian Village. The grounds are complete with ample green space for picnicking and outdoor programs as well as a spacious parking area.
Incorporated in 1975 as the Culpeper Cavalry Museum; broadened its mission in 2000 and moved to its present site on Main Street. Now interprets the town and county's history, from dinosaurs to modern art.
Dinosaur tracks, fossils, Native American artifacts, weapons, textiles, art work, memorabilia, documents, and a large photo collections from 18-21st centuries.
Photos; maps, documents, fossils, a good collection of CW items
Camp Culley: history day camp for kids (week 1 = k-2nd; wk 2 = 3-5th)
Libations on the Lawn: 1st Friday evenings May-Sept., music, wine, and tours on the lawn; School tours always available; small charge for tours
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
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