Last updated: 12/29/2011
6140 Bray Road
Flint, MI 48505
5045 Stanley Rd.
Flint, MI 48506
Varies by facility. Please visit or call 810.736.7100 or 800.648.PARK for details.
Varies by facility. Please visit or call 810.736.7100 or 800.648.PARK for details.
Amy M. Mcmillan
Kevin Shanlian
Teneisha Calhoun
phone: 810-249-3827
Busy as life can be, sometimes you just need to get away, right away. Welcome to the Genesee County Parks, Michigan's largest county park system. With more than 11,000 acres of woods, rivers, lakes, trails, beaches and campgrounds, getting away in the great outdoors is as close as one of the 21 Genesee Parks. When your routine starts to feel a little too routine, slip away to Mid-Michigan's favorite outdoor playground. It's just around the corner. At your Genesee County Parks.
Varies by facility. Please visit or call 810.736.7100 or 800.648.PARK for details.
The Genesee County Parks and Recreation Commission is dedicated to providing all the residents of Genesee County with affordable, quality, recreational, and educational facilities.
Varies by facility. Please visit or call 810.736.7100 or 800.648.PARK for details.
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