Last updated: 9/5/2019
Morean: 719 Central Avenue
Chihuly: 400 Beach Drive, NE
Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
Open 7 days a week except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day
Monday - Saturday
9 AM - 6 PM
The Morean also operates the Chihuly Collection, which is located about one mile away at 400 Beach Drive NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. The Chihuly Collection is also open 7 days a week, from 10 a.m. til 6 p.m Monday through Saturday, Thursdays until 8 p.m., Sundays from noon until 6 p.m.
Morean Galleries free on Mondays
Morean Galleries Free for Morean Members and Children 5 years of age and under
$8 Adults
$6 Seniors (55 and older)
$5 Students (with ID) and Children
Chihuly Collection:
$15 adults
$13 seniors
$12 students and children ages 5 and above
Howayda Affan
Roger F. Ross
Amanda Cooper
Kelsey Nagy
Jonathan Harrison
Gretchen Suding
Beth Reynolds
Sarah Aldrich
Ciara Sibbick
Paula Parrish
Anna Kuhlman
Michael Killoren
Doris Conner
Andy Schlauch
The Morean Arts Center is a non-profit arts organization that curates galleries at four different locations in the St. Petersburg area. Many of them are free and open to the public and, at others, we offer a competitively priced art experience.
We connect people with art.
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