Last updated: 3/2/2014
204 West Sallier
Lake Charles, LA 70601
Susan H. Reed
phone: 337-439-3793
The Imperial Calcasieu Museum serves the five parish area of Calcasieu, Cameron, Beauregard, Allen, and Jeff Davis in Southwest Louisiana. The Museum is a well established 501c3 cultural organization supporting visual arts and artists, and cultural preservation.
The Historic Museum: Housing artifacts, information, and memorabilia depicting life in the Old Imperial Calcasieu Region (now the five parish area) from the Native Americans through the early settlers.
The Gibson-Barham Gallery: Maintaining a full and diverse exhibit schedule of contemporary and traditional visual artists, new emerging artists, as well as Calcasieu Parish Art Students annual juried exhibit.
The Gallery Annex: Newly expanded meeting and exhibit space.
Our mission at the Imperial Calcasieu Museum is to encourage and support the visual arts and artists; enhance art awareness and appreciation by providing educational opportunities for the community; and to serve as a repository for objects unique to the culture of the old Imperial Calcasieu region.
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