Last updated: 2/14/2024
20 Winooski Falls Way Suite 42
Winooski, VT 05404
Thursday - Friday
12 PM - 4 PM
Closed major holidays
Joseph Perron
Leslie Turner
phone: 802-655-7250
Winooski Historical Society museum is open 12pm-4pm on Thursdays and Fridays. The museum houses many artifacts including furniture produced by Richards Furniture Company. Photo collections include various sport teams, Flood of 1927, past and present photos of various buildings and many other interesting photos.
Winooski has an important role in Vermont’s history and development. In the early 1770’s Ira Allen “led a people through a wilderness of 70 miles” to construct a formidable blockhouse on the Winooski (then “Onion”) River, which served both as a fort and as a general store and office for the land-speculating Onion River Company. “Fort Frederick” was never used for defense, but its protective presence increased the value of Onion River property and advanced local settlement.
This self-guided tour was created in partnership between the Winooski Historical Society and the Heritage Winooski Mill Museum to offer a unique look at Winooski’s past through the lens of welcoming and opportunity. Feel free to use our facility during your journey through time around Winooski!
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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