Last updated: 2/16/2024
Champlain Mill
Colchester, VT 05439
P.O. Box 181
Saint Michael’s College
Colchester, VT 05439
Thursday - Friday
12 PM - 4 PM
Thursday - Friday
12 PM - 4 PM
Metered street parking available.
Miriam Block
phone: 802-355-9937
Weaving our industrial and cultural past with what matters to our community today.
The Mill Museum is an important resource for educators and students, a value to the community, and a substantial contribution to documenting the industrial and cultural history of Vermont. We strive to be a social anchor in the community, foster community well-being, and be purposeful in our inclusion and collaboration with the diverse local population.
Its inception in 1998 was a time when many former mill workers were still alive, able to contribute their tools and other artifacts, and to share their stories. Today, through collaborative and enriching programming, we connect our heritage to current issues and the interests of our diverse community.
Exhibits include artifacts, a wool to cloth video, a working transfer of waterpower model, photographs and descriptive panels with stories of mill workers, mill owners and mill community life that preserve the history of the Winooski Falls mill era, 1839-1954. Descriptive labels, some in French and English, include former workers' anecdotes.
Information and support have come from the Chace Mill, Woolen Mill, City of Winooski, Winooski Historical Society, Saint Francis-Xavier and Winooski public schools, Winooski One Hydroelectric Station, PCC, and community members.
The Heritage Winooski Mill Museum is an important resource for educators and students, a value to the community, and a substantial contribution to documenting the industrial and cultural history of Vermont. We offer customized programming for school groups from fourth grade through college as well as for homeschool and community groups.
Through engaging discussions and supporting activities, students can explore meaningful questions relevant to today's world while learning about local industrial and cultural history.
For school groups & groups of 7+ people: Our gallery space is limited. Please call ahead to schedule a visit.
Large group visits are generally scheduled in the morning and at times when the gallery is not opened to the general public. We do charge a fee for school groups, special group tours, workshops, and some special events.
Take a stroll along the Winooski River to learn about mill history with this interactive digital story map.
For questions about accessibility:
please call 802-355-9937 or email:
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