Last updated: 10/11/2022
3216 Main Street
Cabot, VT 05647
P.O. Box 275
Cabot, VT 05647
closed during the pandemic
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Peter Dannenberg
phone: 802-563-3396
Museums of Cabot Historical Society, Inc. There are two buildings at different sites - a village school and a country one-room schoolhouse.
Cabot Historical Society meetings are held from May through October. The Main Street Museum is open on July Fourth and other times during July and August, or by appointment. The West Hill Schoolhouse is open by appointment. E-mail for an appointment.
To preserve the history of Cabot, Vermont.
Cabot Historical Society began in autumn 1965. Interested ladies met at Mrs. Abbie Orne's home. They elected officers: Mrs. Beatrice Perry, president; Mrs. Abbie Orne, vice president; Mrs. Helen Wellman, secretary; and Mrs. Ruth Peck, treasurer. The first project was researching Cabot's early settlers. The first fund raiser was a food sale. The few artifacts owned by the historical society were kept at the Willey Building. Dues were 25 cents. Historical Society Formed
More historical details are available on the museum website.
Under the direction of President Bonnie Dannenberg, artifacts were inventoried. Paper collections of photographs, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, and documents are being preserved. Many albums and digital records are available for research.
Donated collections of items from Cabot, Vermont. Most represent life in a New England farming community, during the 1800s.
We answer email queries from genealogical and other researchers.
Board of Directors (see website)
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
Buildings are over a century old and largely in their original, historic condition.
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