Last updated: 7/14/2008
230 Main Street
Brattleboro, VT 05302-6392
P.O. Box 6392
Brattleboro, VT 05301-6392
Thursday, 1-4;
Saturday 10-12.
During summer our Jeremiah Beal Museum at 974 Western Avenue, Brattleboro is open Saturday, 1:30-4.
John Carnahan
phone: 802-258-4957
Joann Nichols
phone: 802-258-4957
Brattleboro is a river town rich in history. It was the site of the first permanent English settlement in Vermont, Fort Dummer, in 1724. The town was chartered in 1753. It has been a printing town since William Fessenden began publishing books in 1805. For more than 100 years Brattleboro was the home of the world famous Estey Organ Company. Wells Fountain, pictured on the Society's logo, stands at the north end of Main Street and was designed by architect William Rutherford Mead, who grew up in Brattleboro.
The Society places great emphasis on finding ways to acquaint succeeding generations with information about their heritage. Through both the production and presentation of our website, we hope to make history interesting and exciting for all ages.
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